Arcadia is a tooled method devoted to systems & architecture engineering, supported by Capella modelling tool.
It describes the detailed reasoning to
It can be applied to complex systems, equipment, software or hardware architecture definition, especially those dealing with strong constraints to be reconciled (cost, performance, safety, security, reuse, consumption, weight…).
It is intended to be used by most stakeholders in system/product/software or hardware definition and IVVQ as their common engineering reference and collaboration support.
Arcadia stands for ARChitecture Analysis and Design Integrated Approach.
A series of online documents to dive into the principles and concepts of Arcadia:
Arcadia is a system engineering method based on the use of models, with a focus on the collaborative definition, evaluation and exploitation of its architecture.
This book describes the fundamentals of the method and its contribution to engineering issues such as requirements management, product line, system supervision, and integration, verification and validation (IVV). It provides a reference for the modeling language defined by Arcadia.
Jean-Luc Voirin, leader of the creation of the Arcadia method, along with some of the leaders on developing and deploying MBSE Arcadia & Capella practices in Thales. From right to left: Pierre Nowodzienski, Jean-Luc Voirin, Juan Navas, Stephane Bonnet, Frederic Maraux, Gerald Garcia, Philippe Fournies, Eric Lepicier.
Architecture as prime engineering driver
Arcadia, a model-based engineering method
Noticeable features of Arcadia
Definition of the Problem - Customer Operational Need Analysis
Formalization of system requirements - System Need Analysis
Development of System Architectural Design - Logical Architecture (Notional Solution)
Development of System Architecture - Physical Architecture
Formalize Components Requirements - Contracts for Development and IVVQ
Co-Engineering, Sub-Contracting and Multi-Level Engineering
Adaptation of Arcadia to Dedicated Domains, Contexts, Etc.
Equivalences and Differences between SysML and Arcadia/Capella
Modern systems are subject to increasingly higher constraints regarding expected behavior and services, safety, security, performance, environment, human factors, etc. All these constraints are under the responsibility of different stakeholders, which need to be reconciled during the solution architectural design and development process.
Architecture definition is a major part of engineering activities, and notably includes analyzing operational needs, structuring and decomposing the system, software, or hardware assets in order to
Arcadia is a model-based engineering method for systems, hardware and software architectural design. It has been developed by Thales between 2005 and 2010 through an iterative process involving operational architects from all the Thales business domains. Since 2018, Arcadia is registered as Z67-140 standard by AFNOR, the French national organization for standardization.
Arcadia promotes a viewpoint-driven approach (as described in ISO/IEC 42010) and emphasizes a clear distinction between need and solution.
Perspectives and activities of the method have been defined in order to comply with a few Golden Rules:
Next paragraphs give a first description of major arcadia perspectives, for a given engineering level (system, sub-system, software or hardware part…).
The first perspective focuses on analyzing the customer needs and goals, expected missions and activities, far beyond system requirements. This analysis aims at ensuring adequate system definition with regard to its real operational use and IVVQ conditions.
Outputs of this engineering phase mainly consist of an “operational architecture” which describes and structures the need in terms of actors/users, their operational capabilities and activities (including operational use scenarios with dimensioning parameters, and operational constraints such as safety, security, lifecycle, etc.).
Watch the video below, illustrating this architecture level with a commented example: the level-crossing traffic control.
The second perspective focuses on the system itself, in order to define how it can satisfy the former operational need, along with its expected behavior and qualities. The following elements are created during this step: Functions (or services) to be supported and related exchanges, non-functional constraints (safety, security, etc.); performance allocated to system boundary; role sharing and interactions between system and operators; scenarios of usage, etc.
The main goal at this stage is to check the feasibility of customer requirements (cost, schedule, technology readiness, etc.) and if necessary, to provide means to renegotiate their content. The functional need analysis can be completed by an initial system architectural design model in order to examine requirements against this architecture and evaluate their cost and consistency.
Outputs of this engineering phase mainly consist of system functional need descriptions (functions, functional chains, scenarios), interoperability and interaction with the users and external systems (functions, exchanges plus non-functional constraints), and system requirements.
Note that these two phases, which constitute the first part of architecture building, "specify" the subsequent design, and therefore should be approved/validated with the Customer.
Watch the video below, illustrating this architecture level with a commented example: the level-crossing traffic control.
This third perspective aims at building a coarse-grained component breakdown of the system carrying most important engineering decisions, and which is unlikely to be challenged later in the development process. Starting from previous functional and non-functional need analysis, a first definition of the solution expected behavior is performed (using functions, interfaces, data flows, behaviors…). In order to embed these functions, one or several decompositions of the system into logical components are to be built, each function being allocated to one component. These logical components will later tend to be the basic decomposition for development/sub-contracting, integration, reuse, product and configuration management item definitions (but other criteria will be taken into account to define the boundaries for these items)
The building process has to take into account architectural drivers and priorities, viewpoints and associated design rules, etc. For the component breakdown to be stable in further engineering phases, all major (non-functional) constraints (safety, security, performance, IVV, cost, non-technical, Etc.) are taken into account and compared to each other so as to find the best trade-off. This method is described as "viewpoint-driven", where viewpoints formalize the way these constraints impact the system architecture.
Outputs of this engineering phase consist of the selected logical architecture which is described by a functional description, components and justified interfaces definition, scenarios, modes and states, along with the formalization of all viewpoints and the way they are taken into account in the components design.
Since the architecture has to be validated against the need analysis, links with requirements and operational scenarios are also to be produced.
Watch the video below, illustrating this architecture level with a commented example: the level-crossing traffic control.
The fourth perspective has the same intent as the logical architecture building, except that it defines the “final” architecture of the system at this level of engineering. Once this is done the model is considered ready to develop (by "lower" engineering levels). Therefore, it introduces further details and design decisions, rationalization, architectural patterns, new technical services and behavioral components, and makes the logical architecture vision evolve according to implementation, technical and technological constraints and choices. It notably introduces resource components that will embed former behavioral components. The same viewpoint-driven approach as for logical architecture building is used.
Outputs of this engineering phase consist of the selected physical architecture which includes components to be produced, formalization of all viewpoints and the way they are taken into account in the components design. Links with requirements and operational scenarios are also produced.
Watch the video below, illustrating this architecture level with a commented example: the level-crossing traffic control.
The fifth and last perspective is a contribution to an EPBS (End-Product Breakdown Structure), and models describing specification of each sub-system, hardware or software component; it takes benefits from the former architectural work, to formalize the component requirements definition and prepare a secured IVVQ.
All previous hypotheses and imposed constraints associated to the system architecture and components are summarized and checked here.
Outputs from this engineering phase are mainly new models describing component integration contracts, collecting all necessary expected properties for each component to be developed.
The physical architecture is the preferred place for co-engineering between systems, software, and hardware stakeholders.
Arcadia can be applied in a recursive way at each level of system breakdown, so that a subsystem of the current system of interest becomes the system at the next level of interest, until single discipline subsystems or procurement items or COTS are identified.
The physical architecture at a given level of interest defines the components to be developed at the level above, according to the corresponding component integration contract. Level "n" need analysis is restricted to each component scope and neighborhood, in order to define its IVVQ context while preserving Intellectual Property constraints.
Beyond the transverse, common architectural design work, each organization, in the field of its own business, constraints and know-how, should tailor the method steps by adapting them to their own domains, products and programs. This includes:
The recommended method described in this document takes best benefit from a top-down approach:
Yet many constraints which need to be taken into account arise from the industrial context:
This is the reason why Arcadia can be applied according to several lifecycles and work sharing schemes. Great care has been taken in the method, the language and the Capella workbench to not impose one single engineering path (e.g. top-down) but to be adaptable to many lifecycles: Incremental, iterative, top-down, bottom-up, middle-out, Etc.. The method is inherently iterative.
Examples of iterations or non-linear courses are: